Starting Stats
Weight: 97.8kg
Waist: 38in
Height: 5'4" (or so)
Bust: 43in
Hips: 48in
Thigh: 30.5in
Current Stats
Weight: 94.3kg (3.5kg)
Waist: 36.5in
Height: 5'4" (or so)
Bust: 39.5in
Hips: 46.5in
Thigh: 28.5in
My lowest weight during this program was 92.3kg. We had a Prayer and Fasting session in June, so my irregular eating habits musta 'helped'. My clothes still fit better than before I started paying attention to what I eat. I'm a lot hungrier than before though, but I hear that's not too far fetched.
I'm continuing on this journey though, if this blog is still up, I'll keep posting.
Thank you ladies.
hey booooo's follow my weightlosas journey on
you will be entertained i promise..
I think the first post you should read is"the fattest gyal in Lagos"